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Model ZHJ(slag) Slurry Pump
Model ZHJ(slag) Slurry Pump

On the basis of imported equipment and technology, model ZHJ (slag) slurry pump is a new centrifugal pump which is independently designed and developed. According to flowing requirements of China Electronics Engineering Institute, etc, its hydraulic performance is designed. The hydraulic efficiency is up to or above that of similar products in 1990s of domestic and International market.The advantages of similar products are used for reference in structure. The flow contact parts are all made of high quality corrosion-resistant and abrasion -resistant rubber or hard metal alloy lining. The pump casing and cover are in lining structure. The pump casing is made up of two parts. The stiffing seal type is interchangeable with dynamic seal type of auxiliary blade wheel (stopping seal attached). The dimension of overall installation is the same as that of similar products in the domestic and overseas markets.
Besides conveying slurry in the process of production of glass shell of CRT, the pump can be used in conveying slurry containing granules and corrosive materials, in the fields of wet metallurgy, petrochemical, mine, coal, building materials, light industry, paper-making, electro -plate and electrolysis, three-waste treatment, etc.

Description Of Model

Description Of Model
Description Of Model
Brief tructure diagram And Clean water performance

Table Of Property Parameters

Model Cleanwaterpertormance (KW)maximumpowerpermissible
QCapacity HeadH(m) Speedn(r/min) %TiptopEfficiency (NPSH)r(m)
(m3/h) (L/S)
25ZHJ 14~30 4~8.3 9.2~54 1400~3400 47 2~3 15
50ZHJ 34~74 9.5~21 15~40 1300~2100 69 2~3 30
80ZHJ 64~141 17.8~39.2 9.2~48.5 800~1850 65 2~3 30~60
100ZHJ 144~324 40~90 12~45 800~1350 65 2~3 60~120
Model A B C D U E F G H J K M N
25ZHJ 583 295 248 197 28 79 206 181 98 171 46 143 254
50ZHJ 768 406 311 254 42 121 297 238 138 210 71 175 356
843 406 311 254 42 121 24 175 356
80ZHJ 943 492 364 330 60 164 352 292 149 262 100 213 432
100ZHJ 1021 492 364 330 64 164 421 406 229 338 11 213 432
Model V T S n-F D0 D1 D2 n-F1 d0 d1 d2 n-F2 Weiaht
25ZHJ 181 38 24 4-F14 152 38 114 4-F16 165 25 127 4-F16 91kg
50ZHJ 233 48 32 4-F19 216 76 178 4-F19 184 51 146 4-F19 191kg
270 48 32 263kg
80ZHJ 279 64 38 4-F19 279 102 235 4-F22 229 76 191 4-F22 290kg
100ZHJ 318 64 38 4-F22 337 152 292 4-F22 279 102 235 4-F22 500kg
  Capacity(L/s) HeadH(m) Speedn(r/min) ShaftPowerN(kw) Efficiencyn(%) (NPSH)c(m)
25ZHJ 2.79 39,31 2900 3.94 27.38 2.06
3.61 29.23 4.19 33.25
4.43 38.74 4.5 37.38
50ZHJ 10,97 19.07 1450 3.54 57.92 2.37
12,47 18.69 3.81 59.91
14.16 18.36 4.11 63.37
80ZHJ 17.71 30.74 1460 10.54 50.67 2.32
22.22 30.2 12.03 54.72
25.12 30.06 12.85 57.65
80ZHJ 42.71 22.89 1000 17.15 48.56 3.32
43.06 22.2 18.03 52.2
54.78 22.01 20.67 58.37

Model ZHJ(slag) Slurry Pump Related Products

Next:WJ Series Chokeless Slurry Pump

Catalog: Slurry Pumps

Above:Model ZHB Slurry Pump

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